MY name is
I am a 2024 graduate of Cal Poly SLO with a Bachelor's degree in History and a double minor in Global Politics/Explaining said politics to my grandparents.
I love to explore, read, watch, play, write, research, and do things I may regret in the future.
The past creates the present, history is what transforms a headline, story, or level from a forgettable set piece into a vast and enticing world, one that readers, viewers, and players won’t be able to resist.
No matter what I’m doing, the thing that drives me forward is a passion for understanding the worlds around me, both real and fictional.
And, I pursue this passion by asking questions.
What can we learn about China through Xi Jingping’s use of cultural metaphors to convey subtle double-meanings within his public statements?
Why did the United States annex Puerto Rico and Hawaii after the Spanish-American War, but not Cuba?
Why is olive oil so damn expensive?
What does any of this have to do with you?
Put simply, I am your research asset. What Chat GPT wishes it was. My answers may not be instant, but they are well thought out, well sourced, well tailored to your needs, and above all; trustworthy. Film research, context for current events, fictional worldbuilding, historical accuracy, questions that are too complicated for a Google search, but too interesting to forget, and anything in between. If it ends in “?” and doesn’t involve too much math, I’m your guy.
Curious? Unconvinced? Wondering about how Saudi Arabia is leveraging its control over the holy city of Mecca to facilitate its economic transition away from oil? Feel free to take a look around. You’ll find a small portfolio of some of my previous academic work, my resume, a myriad of ways to contact me, and maybe even some secrets.
I look forward to answering your questions, in the meantime, I’ll be answering mine.